Our lab is involved in several ground-based telescopes/experiments and space-based missions, some have concluded taking data, other are currently taking data, and others are planning to start operations in the future. We are primarily interested in datasets that cover a wide area of the extragalactic sky and we combine datasets covering different wavelengths to better control systematic effects and improve constraints on cosmology. Our group is working on proprietary datasets within larger collaborations, but we are also interested in re-analyzing existing datasets with new methods and new science ideas.
We would like to acknowledge the amazing work of all the science collaborations, who make their science products public and useable for the broader community. Thank you!
Ongoing datasets we actively analyze are data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). We combine these datasets with publicly available data from the Euclid mission and from different CMB experiments, e.g. the Planck mission and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT).
We are also preparing for future datasets, in particular we are deeply involved in Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time, in the Roman Space Telescope, and in the SPHEREx explorer mission. For all these future missions we are developing important components of the inference pipelines, contribute to survey strategy calculations, and design analysis strategies to prepare for the joint analysis of different datasets.
We are actively developing analysis strategies for the joint analysis of Rubin, Roman, SPHEREx, and CMB datasets of the future, in particular we are connecting our joint analysis ideas to the CMB-S4 experiment.