TACOS is the main weekly event of our lab that interchangeably hosts external speakers or group members to give a 40 minute science talk followed by a ~15 minute Q&A session.
Guidelines for TACOS speakers:
- The audience is comprised of ~20 faculty, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students working on cosmological projects.
- The talk setting is informal and we tend to ask lots of questions during the talk.
- The talk should contain a thorough introduction into the broader research area in which the specific topic of the talk is embedded. This part of the talk should be aimed at 1st year graduate and undergraduate students.
- After the introduction, every speaker may structure breadth and depth of the talk as they see fit.
- After TACOS Q&A we transition into a small Pizza event where discussion continues.
We will organize a schedule for every speaker to meet with faculty, postdoc, students durign their visit.