Welcome to Spacetime!
Spacetime is our undergraduate research program with the primary goal to prepare undergraduate students for graduate school. The program hosts 6-8 students at any given time and it is comprised of two main components:
- A lecture series in cosmological data analysis that combines graduate level cosmology material on specific topics with lectures in statistics/data analysis/machine learning.
- Research projects in cosmological data analysis with the goal of becoming co-author on a paper.
Program details:
All undergrads are (co-)mentored directly by a faculty, postdoc, or senior graduate student of our lab. There are regular lectures on e.g., cosmological data analysis, machine learning, High-Performance Computing given by members of our lab. The group meets once per week as a whole and 1-1 with the mentors as needed.
We closely collaborate with the TIMESTEP apprenticeship program for recruitment of students and assessment of the program's success. If accepted through this program students are paid at 10h/semester. More details on how to apply can be found here.
In addition candidates can apply directly if they are conducting an Honor's thesis as part of their undergrad studies. Please reach out to the faculty of interest in that case.